Food For Thought Friday- Summer 2017

Food for Thought Friday
Summer 2017

Late Post - Sorry :( ❤

Hey Besties,
Bonjour la gang,

How are you guys doin?
Ca va?

Summer is here already. June 8 was Best Friend day. What did I do on that day? I went on day road trip to Niagara falls, met some friends with whom I shared a delicious meal and stimulating conversation. So what are my favorite quotes of the week?

Foodie- Cooking with love provide food for the Soul
As a foodie who is working on her fitness, I need to reduce my weekly outing ha! It is a blessing to enjoy great interchange of ideas over savory, succulent food with friends. While it is a great way to relax it unfortunately is creating a hole in my pocket. I want to physically trim - not financially! So since it is summer, now is the time to start cooking or making healthier meals for myself. Perhaps I will invite other to taste my food. Will I need to make room for improvements?  Or am I an undercover chef Boyardee?  This will be determined by my guests.  I will still upload FoodieFriday. I want to be a tourist in my own city. Brace yourselves because I will make you salivate hahaha.


Fitness- Your fitness is 100% mental your body won’t GO where your mind doesn't push it

2017- I decided to bring what I learned in 2016 with me and to become a better version of myself. In order to achieve that goal I need to in best shape physically and spiritually. I decided to dedicate more time weekly on physical activities which in turn increase my level of endorphins- HAPPY hormones that elevate my mood. In turn, I am more joyful in my daily activities, more positive therefore encouraging others to make life lasting changes.

I had the opportunity to go to the Toronto Pro fitness show. This motivated me to sign up for more local runs or races. The end goal is to participate in a half marathon. I will be testing a wide range of sneakers to find the right fit for ultimate results:  to be a Winner.

Friendship- I’ll be There (Micheal Jackson voice)

In Honor of Best Friend Day, I have to share the picture below. It is a great reminder to cherish the people that have been there from the beginning of life, schooling or new chapter in our life journey. Give them a call for a change, not just a simple text such as “YOU ARE AWESOME”.  Calls are more personals.  In this era we lived in young ones feel that calling is like “crowding someone space”. Is that true? Well if it is go ahead and get in their “personal space”. Get closer, strengthen the bond of friendship, and thus, with time, you will be more like siblings instead of acquaintances. Don’t be shy to show some love. This is part of life.

Bisou Bisou Besties,
Bisou mes amis,

AshleeLoveit ❤


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