Monday Motivation Wakanda Fever

Monday Motivation

Hey Besties! 

Bonjour la gang!

We are already into a new year. Can you believe it?.
Bien Oui, C’est déjà une nouvelle année, incroyable hein?  
I know I am doing Monday motivation on a Tuesday but it doesn’t matter.  Everyday,  all of us could use some more motivation. I feel
quotes can inspired us even find an answer to an issue we were pondering about.

I truly want to get you going for the rest of the week. 

Have you watch my new Thursday Transformation video if not click the link below:

My Favorite Quotes of the week

Related image

Happiness comes from different forms. You could be happy because you did everything on your to-do list, or because you spend some quality time with family and friends or played with your pet or simply took some time for yourself.

What makes me happy? Many things but my top three are definitely: Food, Fitness and Travel. Hence the quote above.

So everywhere I go, I do as much as possible to experience the culture but ultimately enjoy the different flavors and dishes. These days I enjoyed yummy yellow curry with tofu, Khao Soi from PAI restaurant downtown; Butter chicken from Little India downtown Toronto and lastly my new Sunday tradition is Korean BBQ at SSAM bar located in North York. 

What are you feeling for these days? Are you changing your diet, maybe going vegan?

There is a saying that goes "You are what you eat" hence why to fuel our brain and our body to full capacity we need to feed it well.
January was mental health awareness month but its a topic that should be discuss every month. 

Outside of therapy and medication (if needed) exercising is a great way to reduce anxiety and depression symptoms. The researchers report that an intense workout session may alleviate symptoms for hours and if performed regularly the effects may last for days.

Real Benefit: Exercise works as a natural antidepressant, by increasing the serotonin  levels (it is your happy&positive hormone). Serotonin hormone lift up your mood  (its relaxes you=NO room for stress), improve your memory and allow you to sleep better.

BONUS:   Here are 6 exercises recommend by online magazine "Simply Most" to relieve anxiety and depression:

-Yoga, I would recommend Pilates 
- Strength Training
-Tai Chi

Strength training, leg day workout: Click on the link ----->
Fitness Motivation

This past month was the winter Olympics in Pyeongchang, South Korea. Did you have a chance to watch them?
Whether you did or not, what is your favorite winter sport?
The 2018 Winter Olympics showcase many new talented Olympians. Snowboarding is my favorite sport just after ice skating. So I watched figure skating, snowboarding, speed skating and bobsled. I was so proud of  the snowboarder Chloe Kim, her style on the slopes were refreshing.

The team that showed that any is possible is the Nigerian bobsled team, made of beautiful and motivated young women. They tried their best and the world now knows that people from Africa can participate in winter sports, it not easy but the willingness and desire is there.

Those girls definitely left their mark or footprint sorta say in South Korea and in the memory of the whole world. 
I wish them more success next time. Don't give up girls. You inspired us.


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