Monday Motivation- Summer Edition 2018

Monday Motivation- 
Summer edition 2018 

Hi Besties! 
Allo la gang! 

The summer is almost coming to an end. The waether was warm and sunny here in Toronto, lots of beach days. I enjoyed doing mini-road trips with friends. I went to the lavender field which shall be a Tuesday Travel post in the near future. It is wedding season, lots of activities. I watched the movie “Crazy Rich Asians”. I read the book and the movie met my expectations, beautiful movie. 

Here are my quotes of the week: 

 “Find Something you’re passionate about and keep tremendously interested in it.” I spend months wondering what is my passion or my talent. I had to ponder over things like:  do I love my current job? What are my hobbies? I asked feedback from a few of my peers. I realized I love speaking and encouraging others. Hence why I decided to become a motivational coach, everyone personal cheerleader. I want to help bring the best out of people, let their light shine through. I am fascinated with human interactions. I concluded that one way to put one at ease is to share a meal or coffee. It is relaxing and life sustaining activity. Do you want to connect with others more? Share a meal or drink with them with no expectations than just to listen and have a good laugh.  Give it a try! 

The way we see things is the source of how we act... Product of what we seek turns to be our motivations. Don’t talk, act. Don’t say, show. Don’t promise, prove. When it comes to fitness, only our body may show if we earnest applied ourselves to a fitness routine as we say we do. Create a plan and try to make it habit so it turns into something natural, your second nature. If you noticed you are in a rot and you are unmotivated, get a virtual partner or a gym buddy. Virtual partner would be setting up an online trainer for free with the NTC. It is the Nike Training Club, you can get set a 4-12 weeks program to be lean or get stronger. So check it out. I usually weekly, I love it. 

What makes you happy? When we are in a group what kind of stories people want to hear? The last worldwide escape or last international online purchase? Isn’t the travel experiences (good or bad) make good camp fire stories instead of what is the next Jordan we will purchase? 
“Fill your life with adventures, not things. Have stories to tell not stuff to show.” We all need material things to survive and be content. In the long run, I bet you get more joy and happiness of the memories you collect along a trip, during a special event (Baptism or wedding) or certificate you work hard to obtain (self-improvement).  Material things make us happy for an instant or a moment but the euphoric feeling we get after a purchase fade away quickly. While traveling our eyes will be filled with magnificent scenery, our belly will be gastronomically enlightened and our brain will be overflowing with memories and experiences. We will lot to share to other, we will be able to connect with them hence open our minds to different perspectives and opinions. 


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